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Deetken Impact Fund teams with Frontfundr to make it easier than ever for Canadians to invest in impact.

Deetken Impact is excited to announce that Deetken Impact Bonds are now available on the Frontfundr platform.1 This means that investors from across Canada can use their savings to benefit communities in Latin America and the Caribbean while earning market-based returns.

Deetken Impact Bonds are used to support a portfolio of exceptional businesses that are committed to our impact goals: decent work and economic growth, affordable and clean energy, good health and well-being and quality education for all. Examples of DIF’s investments include:

  • Financial services NGO in Ecuador, providing loans to help entrepreneurs rebuild after a devastating earthquake
  • Small run-of-river hydro project in Peru, adding clean energy to the grid with minimal adverse environmental impacts
  • Micro and small enterprise lending in Argentina, offering vital health services and business training alongside business loans

Frontfundr is an innovative platform that offers regular investors access to private market opportunities like the Deetken Impact Bonds.

If you’re ready to make a difference, check out our campaign on Frontfundr today!


  1.  Deetken Impact Bonds are issued by Deetken Impact Investment Corp., a feeder vehicle for the Deetken Impact Fund. Please be aware that investments of this nature carry risks to your capital as well as potential returns. Please read all investor materials before deciding to invest. You can also learn more about informed investing on InvestRight, a program of the British Columbia Securities Commission (BCSC).

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