Deetken Impact Sustainable Energy Signs Agreements to Acquire Participation in the Monte Plata Solar Power Plant in the Dominican Republic

Deetken Impact Sustainable Energy Signs Agreements to Acquire Participation in the Monte Plata Solar Power Plant in the Dominican Republic

Deetken Impact Sustainable Energy proudly announces the signing of agreements for the acquisition of the Monte Plata Solar Power Plant in the Dominican Republic San José, Costa Rica, June 30, 2021 – Impact asset manager Deetken Impact Sustainable Energy (DISE),...
Deetken Impact and Pro Mujer receive US$1.3M from USAID to advance gender equality and promote gender smart practices in SMEs in Latin America

Deetken Impact and Pro Mujer receive US$1.3M from USAID to advance gender equality and promote gender smart practices in SMEs in Latin America

Deetken Impact and Pro Mujer receive US$1.3 million from USAID to augment the Ilu Women’s Empowerment Fund through three main components—incremental capital, technical assistance, and knowledge dissemination and advocacy. Vancouver, BC. March 11, 2021 – Impact...

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