Operating Principles for Impact Management logo

Deetken Impact Sustainable Energy (DISE) is proud to be a signatory to the Operating Principles for Impact Management (OPIM) since 2020. The Impact Principles provide a framework for impact investors to ensure impact considerations are integrated into the entire investment lifecycle and are aligned with industry best practices, with the goal of ensuring measurable social and environmental impact alongside financial returns. By requiring an independent verification, they help promote transparency in the industry.  As each signatory shares their impact investment management practices, the industry will move forward with stronger standards throughout the investment lifecycle. 

Our 2022 annual Disclosure Statement describes the alignment of our impact management practices to the OPIM. Our team has been active in the impact investment space for over 20 years, and we have witnessed the development of the industry and the improvement in processes for managing and reporting impacts across the board. Although the industry has come a long way, there is yet more to be done and the Operating Principles for Impact Management are a step in the right direction as they ensure that lessons learned are continuously incorporated into portfolio management and shared within the industry. 

Since our previous annual disclosure in 2021, we have advanced integration of gender metrics into our impact measurement system. In preparation for expanding gender-disaggregated impact metrics on a quarterly basis, our team led a workshop for portfolio company teams focused on building awareness and capacity. The workshop featured topics such as the nexus of gender equality and climate change, gender gaps and opportunities in the energy sector, unconscious bias, and practical actions to incorporate gender considerations at every stage of the energy project lifecycle.

Additionally, we offer tailored technical assistance to advance gender business practices in portfolio companies and projects. For instance, we are working directly with a portfolio company to advance gender equity across all aspects of the business, including components such as team training on gender concepts and opportunities, inclusive policies and procedures, a gender-sensitive community engagement strategy, and technical capacity building for women in the sector.

We appreciate the transparent and strategic approach of the Operating Principles for Impact Management as a way to encourage ourselves to continue advancing our practices and to learn from the progress of our peers. We are pleased to reaffirm our commitment to the Operating Principles for Impact Management for 2022.

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